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Dr. Christine Kozachuk Women’s Life Literacy Expert is a native of North Carolina, USA. Dr. Kozachuk is an International Speaker, International Award Recipient, Entrepreneur, Author, and a Global Advocate for freedom and equal opportunity for all females of the world.

Thinking Your Way to Success

Do you often envision yourself achieving great things, and then follow up with a
negative thought process? Do you talk yourself out of your dreams before you even begin to
pursue them? If so, you need to change the way you think.

When you change your thought processes to success thinking you truly can change your
life. Positive thoughts enable you to reach out and grasp the success you seek.

Affirmations and You

Wanting to succeed and being able to envision your success is a great place to start. When
you can do this, you're giving yourself permission to change your life, attain your goals, and
be a success.

There will be days when it's more difficult to think in a positive and success affirming way;
during these times you can turn to a useful tool called affirmations.

Affirmations have helped a lot of people turn their thinking into positive thinking,
propelling them toward their goals in a new and exciting way. Affirmations for success
can help you change the way you think about everything.

If you're honest with yourself, you may find that much of your inner dialogue, how you feel
about yourself, and even the way you carry yourself are negative. This destructive thinking
sets you up to fail or causes you to give up before you ever really get started.

As with anything new, creating a success mindset will take practice to give you the best
results. The good news is: you can get all the practice you need with the help of success

What Are Affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements that activate your mind to change your life,
one thought at a time. They enable you to accomplish the things you wish to achieve.
Affirmations work because each word we speak has power, the power to evoke emotions.
They work because they allow you to program or reprogram your thought processes,
replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.

For example, if you find that you're telling yourself what you can't do, you can replace
these negative thoughts with an affirmation for success, such as, I am capable of succeeding
without feeling overwhelmed or unfulfilled.

If that statement doesn't quite fit you, there are many affirmations for success, such as I am
worthy of great success. All you need to do is want to feel this way, and then every time you
say these statements aloud you reaffirm them to your subconscious.

Is It Really This Easy?

Many of the most successful people in the world aren't much different than you. The key
characteristic that sets them apart, though, is that they have a success mindset.

It seems too simple to be true, but when you talk to people who've experienced success,
you'll find that they use statements like these to drive them toward their goals and away
from negativity. Their inner dialogue is one of success and achievement.

If success came naturally to all of us, we would all be successful. Unfortunately, in this day
and time, many people prefer to focus on the negative, rather than embrace success.

With affirmations, you can overcome your limiting, negative thoughts and make it second
nature for you to choose success. Success can be a reality for you, so long as you believe
and reaffirm your positive thoughts consistently.

"Helping Every Girl Win"

Dr. Christine Kozachuk
Founder-Every Girl Wins Institute
Women's Life Skills Expert
World Civility Ambassador


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